The efficacy of bottom up approach towards 100% smoke-free community
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Vital Strategies, New York, United States
Department of Health, Government of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
Kaloi (Carlos) Garcia   

Vital Strategies, 100 Broadway, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10005, United States
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A10
Cigarette smoking has become a global epidemic. If we look around today, we can still see some people smoking despite the obvious health risk. This risk does not only endanger the health of persons smoking cigarettes but also compromise the health of none smokers through second hand smoke. The Local Government Units are in the best position to support our fight against the epidemic. Herein the Municipality of Mlang, we join our hands together as we endeavour to provide a 100% smoke-free Environment to the people of every village. And extended to other linkages and stakeholders that results to 100% smoke-free Public and Private Hospitals, Offices and Public and Private Institutions that makes town of Mlang totally a 100% smoke-free Municipality. Perhaps in this brand of strategy of Local Government Unit of Mlang that propels and sustains the successful implementation of bottom up approach and allow us to show you how the blood and sweat of all 37 Barangays join together to build One Mlang that is 100% smoke-free!

To uplift Health empowerment through implementing effective tobacco measures towards a holistic community development.

Cluster Sampling using qualitative survey.

100% effective strategy using the bottom up approach towards 100% smoke-free Municipality.

The result will justify the efficacy of the Bottom Up approach using the cluster sampling with qualitative survey and the wise bottom up approach strategy with collaborative efforts that strengthens the health of community.
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