The association between antitobacco advertising and calls to a tobacco Russian Quitline
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St Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, Advisory Call Center for Smoking Cessation (Russian Quitline), Russian Federation
St Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, Russian Federation
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A323
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Russian Quitline was organized in 2011, National Tobacco Control mass media campaigns are held with 2012 to 2016, National Tobacco Control Law was passed in 2013.This study examines the effects of media campaign on telephone quitline for cessation services from May 2012 through May 2017

The campaign was primarily intended to encourage adult smokers aged 18-70 years to quit by making them aware of the health damage caused by smoking and letting them know that they could call the telephone if they needed free help to quit. The campaign included advertising on national and local cable television, local radio, billboards, print media. To determine the effects of the campaign on weekly quitline call volume were analyzed call immediately before, during, and immediately after the campaign period and compared them with data without antitobacco campaign periods.

TV antitobacco National advertising during 1 month increased 6-7 times calls (from 3626 to 19515). The cumulative impact on Quitline calls remained significant for 6 months. Local TV antitobacco advertising increased the number of calls in 4 times. One anti-smoking program of National TV increased the number of appeal in 5 time during 2 day, Local TV - in 2,5 time in broadcast day and in 1,4 time in next day. Billboards with the slogan "Time to quit smoking" in the streets of St. Petersburg increased the number of initial applications in 3,2 times compared to the previous month and in 5 time - the same period of the previous year. Printed publications had less impact on the number of calls.

These results indicate that many smokers are interested in quitting and learning more about cessation assistance, and will respond to motivational messages that include an offer of help.
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