The Development of tobacco cessation in public health centers, Health Department, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
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The Office of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment, Health Department, Bangkok, Thailand
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
Kessara Suksabsin   

The Office of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment, Health Department, Bangkok, Thailand
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A184
In the past, tobacco cessation services were provided only in 18 Narcotics Clinics, but there were also patient smokers in outpatient clinics of 68 public health centers in Bangkok Metropolitan. Thus in 2019 Health Department had provided the policy to expand these services in outpatient clinics to allow smokers access to tobacco cessation.

To examine effectiveness/outcome of a new guideline of tobacco cessation services in public health centers.

In 2019, The Office of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment established tobacco cessation guidelines and trained the multidisciplinary teams to be able to provide tobacco cessation services as well as integrated this program in general disease clinics, especially non-communicable disease (NCD) clinics. The treatment process consists of screening and assessing the level of nicotine addiction and measuring CO levels in the lungs of all smokers by nurses. The doctor provides treatment and the medication with a brief intervention to quit smoking, as well as sending patients for the chest X-ray and oral health examination then allow the counselor (social worker, psychologist) to interview, make a motivation and appointments to follow up.

The results showed that more patients received treatment for tobacco cessation. In 2017 there were 88,440 patients, 1,265 smokers who received the treatment, 59 smokers be able to quit smoking for 6 months, 55 smokers quit smoking for a year. But in 2019, there were increased to 219,614 patients, 1,763 smokers received treatment, 128 smokers quitted smoking for 6 months, and 69 smokers quitted smoking for a year.

This model helped patients to access and increased the probability for tobacco cessation. However, development still needs to strengthen and motivate for admission to quit tobacco.
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