Smoking prevalence and related factors among workers of Bornova Municipality in Izmir, Turkey
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Non Communicable Diseases Department, Izmir Provincial Health Directorate, Izmir, Turkey
Department of Public Health, Medical School, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
Health Affairs, Bornova Municipality, Izmir, Turkey
Publication date: 2018-10-03
Corresponding author
İlker Adıgüzel   

Non Communicable Diseases Department, Izmir Provincial Health Directorate, Izmir, Turkey
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 3):A59
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Aim and objective:
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of smoking and factors related to smokingamong the workers of a district municipality in Izmir.

The study consists of a secondary analysis of data collected during a cross-sectional survey on physical activity among municipal workers. Ethical approval and permission from Bornova Municipality were obtained. The data were collected during August-November 2016. Among a total of 2137 municipal workers, the sample size was determined as 352 workers according to 33% prevalence of physical activity (Turkey Nutrition and Health Survey 2010), 5%error, 95% confidence interval, 20% non-response 352. The response rate of the survey was 81.53%.

The mean age of the participants was 38,91±8,49. Among the study participants, 36.2% were female and 68.3% were married. Among them, 24.0% were graduated from secondary school or lower, 32.1% from high school and 43.9% from university. The mean income per capita of workers was 1676.43 ± 1078.16 TL. Their mean duration of employment at the municipality was 9.55±7.30 years and they worked 171.71±10,91 hours per months, 80.5% were physically active, 36.2% had a disease diagnosed by a doctor and 27.5% were on medication. The prevalence of smoking was 48.8% among these municipal workers. There was no significant difference between the ages (p=0.138) and gender of smokers and non-smokers.Among women, 49.0% were smoking and 48.6% among men (p=0.947). There was a significant difference of smoking prevalence according to education (p=0.006), with 58.0% among secondary school or lower, 56.5% among high school and 38.1% among university graduates (42.9% among women and 32.1% among men). There was no significant difference in the marital status (p=0.242), duration of employment at the municipality (p=0.477), physically active work (p=0.297), monthly working hours (p=0.754), presence of a chronic disease (p=0.755), medication (p=0.887), presence of hobby (p=0.898), body mass index (p=0.123), income per capita (p=0.395) and physical activity level (p=0.695) among smokers and non-smokers.

The prevalence of smoking is much higher among municipal workers compared to national adult survey data (27% overall, 41.4% among men and 13.1% among women), with a much higher prevalence among women. The reasons underlying this high prevalence, especially some possible local or workplace-related dynamics, should be investigated. The lower prevalence among university graduates is consistent with the literature. Educational interventions could be offered.
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