School-based smoking prevention programs with the promise of long-term effects
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Department of Public Health, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Submission date: 2009-03-11
Acceptance date: 2009-03-26
Publication date: 2009-03-26
Tobacco Induced Diseases 2009;5(March):6
I provide a systematic review of trials of school-based smoking prevention programs that had at least 15 sessions, preferably with some in high school, that reported significant short-term effects, and that included long-term follow-up. This is supplemented with a description of some other programs that produce short-term effects that portend large long-term effects. I conclude that school-based programs can have long-term effects of practical importance it they: include 15 or more sessions over multiple years, including some in high school; use the social influence model and interactive delivery methods; include components on norms, commitment not to use, intentions not to use, and training and practice in the use of refusal and other life skills; and use peer leaders in some role. School-based programs of this type can reduce smoking onset by 25–30%, and school plus community programs can reduce smoking onset by 35–40% by the end of high school. Some early childhood programs that do not have smoking prevention as their main aim, including home nursing, the Good Behavior Game, the Positive Action program and others, seem to change the developmental trajectories of children so that they are less likely to engage in multiple problem behaviors, including smoking, as adolescents. This review makes it clear that effective school-based smoking prevention programs exist and can be adopted, adapted and deployed with success – and should be.
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Prevalência do consumo de tabaco em adolescentes escolarizados portugueses por sexo: podemos estar otimistas?
J. Precioso, C. Samorinha, M. Macedo, H. Antunes
Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia
Meta-Analysis on the Effects of the Smoke-Free Class Competition on Smoking Prevention in Adolescents
Barbara Isensee, Reiner Hanewinkel
European Addiction Research
Influencing antecedents of adolescent risk-taking behaviour in elementary school: results of a 4-year quasi-experimental controlled trial
K. Maruska, M. Morgenstern, B. Isensee, R. Hanewinkel
Health Education Research
Public Commitment, Resistance to Advertising, and Leisure Promotion in a School-Based Drug Abuse Prevention Program: A Component Dismantling Study
Olga Hernández-Serrano, Kenneth W. Griffin, José Manuel García-Fernández, Mireia Orgilés José P. Espada
Journal of Drug Education
Getting Universal Primary Tobacco Use Prevention Into Priority Area Schools
Melinda C. Bier, Lara Zwarun, Victoria Fehrmann Warren
Health Promotion Practice
Health Promotion for Primordial Prevention of Tobacco Use
Radhika Shrivastav, Gaurang P. Nazar, Melissa H. Stigler, Monika Arora
Global Heart
Risk Factors of Future Smoking Among Thai Youth
Gyeongsil Lee, Joann Lee, Sungkyu Lee
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health
Tobacco Prevention Education in Schools for the Deaf: The Faculty Perspective
Barbara A. Berman, Debra S. Guthmann, Weiqing Liu, Leanne Streja
Journal of Drug Education
Screening for Lung Cancer Has Limited Effectiveness Globally and Distracts From Much Needed Efforts to Reduce the Critical Worldwide Prevalence of Smoking and Related Morbidity and Mortality
Cherian Verghese, Cristina Redko, Brian Fink
Journal of Global Oncology
Education for a tobacco free world: the 11th meeting of the International Society for the Prevention of Tobacco Induced Diseases (ISPTID)
Constantine Vardavas, Charis Girvalaki, Christina Gratsiou, Panagiotis Behrakis
Tobacco Induced Diseases
Does smoking within an individual's peer group affect intervention effectiveness? An evaluation of the Smoke-Free Class Competition among Swiss adolescents
Stephanie Stucki, Emmanuel Kuntsche, Aurélie Archimi, Sandra Kuntsche
Preventive Medicine
The assessment of status of tobacco smoking among urban primary schoolchildren in Madagascar
Noeline Razanamihaja, Yuka Makino, Hiroshi Ogawa, Noriaki Ikeda, Hideo Miyazaki
Health Promotion International
Smoking prevalence in Portuguese school-aged adolescents by gender: Can we be optimistic?
J. Precioso, C. Samorinha, M. Macedo, H. Antunes
Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia (English Edition)
Smoking Prevention among Youth: A Multipronged Approach Involving Parents, Schools, and Society
Sandra P. Small, Kaysi Eastlick Kushner, Anne Neufeld
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research
Promoting Life Skills and Preventing Tobacco Use among Low-Income Mumbai Youth: Effects of Salaam Bombay Foundation Intervention
Glorian Sorensen, Prakash C. Gupta, Eve Nagler, Kasisomayajula Viswanath, Noel Christopher Barengo
The Process of Adoption of Evidence-based Tobacco Use Prevention Programs in California Schools
Melissa A. Little, Pallav Pokhrel, Steve Sussman, Louise Ann Rohrbach
Prevention Science
Feasibility of a Peer-Led Asthma and Smoking Prevention Project in Australian Schools with High Indigenous Youth
Gabrielle B. McCallum, Anne B. Chang, Cate A. Wilson, Helen L. Petsky, Jan Saunders, Susan J. Pizzutto, Siew Choo Su, Smita Shah
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Denormalization of Tobacco Use and the Role of the Pediatric Health-Care Provider
Karen S. Calabro, Tamara C. Costello, Alexander V. Prokhorov
Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology
Assess the Impact of an Online Tobacco Prevention Training Program on Teachers and Their Students
W. William Chen, Jiunn-Jye Sheu, Chung-Bang Weng
Journal of Drug Education
Leadership skills are associated with health behaviours among Canadian children
A. Ferland, Y. L. Chu, D. Gleddie, K. Storey, P. Veugelers
Health Promotion International
A Concise History of School-Based Smoking Prevention Research: A Pendulum Effect Case Study
Steve Sussman, David S. Black, Louise A. Rohrbach
Journal of Drug Education
Effectiveness of Antismoking Media Messages and Education Among Adolescents in Malaysia and Thailand: Findings From the International Tobacco Control Southeast Asia Project
S. Zawahir, M. Omar, R. Awang, H.-H. Yong, R. Borland, B. Sirirassamee, G. T. Fong, D. Hammond
Nicotine & Tobacco Research
Parenting Practices and Tobacco Use in Middle School Students in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Laura W. Poms, Lila C. Fleming, Kathryn H. Jacobsen
Journal of School Health
Long-term effects of a home-based smoking prevention program on smoking initiation: A cluster randomized controlled trial
Marieke Hiemstra, Linda Ringlever, Roy Otten, Onno C.P. van Schayck, Christine Jackson, Rutger C.M.E. Engels
Preventive Medicine
Do Schools Influence Student Risk-taking Behaviors and Emotional Health Symptoms?
Simon J. Denny, Elizabeth M. Robinson, Jennifer Utter, Theresa M. Fleming, Sue Grant, Taciano L. Milfont, Sue Crengle, Shanthi N. Ameratunga, Terryann Clark
Journal of Adolescent Health
Smoking status and attitudes towards preventive structural measures after participation in the Smoke-Free Class Competition in Switzerland
Stephanie Stucki, Aurélie Archimi, Sandra Kuntsche
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy
Evaluation of the smoking intervention X:IT after the second year: A randomized controlled trial
Anette Andersen, Lotus S. Bast, Pernille Due, Lau C. Thygesen
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Evaluation of the Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) program in California
Sara B. McMenamin, Sharon E. Cummins, Yue-Lin Zhuang, Anthony C. Gamst, Carlos G. Ruiz, Antonio Mayoral, Shu-Hong Zhu, Hajo Zeeb
The Juul Curriculum Is Not the Jewel of Tobacco Prevention Education
Jessica Liu, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher
Journal of Adolescent Health
Beyond tobacco prevention: A qualitative study of a school-based life skills intervention for economically disadvantaged youth in Mumbai, India
Eve M Nagler, Priya Lobo
Health Education Journal
Langzeiteffekte des Präventionsprogramms Klasse2000 auf den Substanzkonsum
Barbara Isensee, Karin Maruska, Reiner Hanewinkel
Tobacco and smoking cessation
Nan-Ying Chiu, Cheng-Ju Chang
Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry
Gender-Specific Effectiveness of the Unplugged Prevention Intervention in Reducing Substance Use among Czech Adolescents
Petr Novák, Michal Miovský, Jiří Vopravil, Roman Gabrhelík, Lenka Šťastná, Lucie Jurystová
Czech Sociological Review
Towards a better understanding of factors affecting smoking uptake among Saudi male adolescents: A qualitative study
Mutaz Mohammed, Vries De, Kei Cheung, Vries De
Tobacco Prevention & Cessation
Adult-child contract for universal prevention of tobacco use: Protocol for a mixed-design evaluation of the Swedish school-based program “Tobacco-free Duo” (TOPAS study) (Preprint)
Maria Galanti, Anni-Maria Pulkki-Brännström, Maria Nilsson
Tobacco-Free Duo Adult-Child Contract for Prevention of Tobacco Use Among Adolescents and Parents: Protocol for a Mixed-Design Evaluation
Maria Galanti, Anni-Maria Pulkki-Brännström, Maria Nilsson
JMIR Research Protocols
A Breath of Knowledge: Overview of Current Adolescent E-cigarette Prevention and Cessation Programs
Jessica Liu, Shivani Gaiha, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher
Current Addiction Reports
School-based e-cigarette education in Alabama: Impact on knowledge of e-cigarettes, perceptions and intent to try
Shivani Gaiha, Abigail Duemler, Lauren Silverwood, Anabel Razo, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, Susan Walley
Addictive Behaviors
Sex Difference in the Association between Electronic Cigarette Use and Subsequent Cigarette Smoking among U.S. Adolescents: Findings from the PATH Study Waves 1–4
Zongshuan Duan, Yu Wang, Jidong Huang
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Nicotine Dependence among Adolescents Single and Dual Cigarette Users
Radzi Mohd, Roslan Saub, Yusof Mohd, Maznah Dahlui, Sharol Sujak
Emotional symptoms and sensation seeking: Implications for tobacco interventions for youth and young adults
Bara Bataineh, Anna Wilkinson, Kathleen Case, Stephanie Clendennen, Aslesha Sumbe, Baojiang Chen, Melissa Harrell
Tobacco Prevention & Cessation
Development and Reach of the Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit: Implementation of a Community‐Based Participatory Approach
Shivani Gaiha, Marcia Zorrilla, Ira Sachnoff, Stephen Smuin, Adrienne Lazaro, Richard Ceballos, Anabel Razo, Bonnie Halpern‐Felsher
Journal of School Health
PROJECT STAR (Midwestern Prevention Project): Overview
Aliye Göçmen, Nur Derin, Ahmet Metin, İ. Kariper
Journal of Community Psychology
Tobacco Use among School-Going Adolescents in Comoros: A Secondary Analysis of the 2015 Comoros Global Youth Tobacco Survey
Peter James, Said Kassim, John Kabba, Chenai Kitchen, Christina Pabelick
BioMed Research International
Mental Health Problems and Initiation of E-cigarette and Combustible Cigarette Use
Kira Riehm, Andrea Young, Kenneth Feder, Noa Krawczyk, Kayla Tormohlen, Lauren Pacek, Ramin Mojtabai, Rosa Crum
“A to Z”s of tobacco control and cessation
Pirabu Sakthivel, Abhishek Shankar, Pranav Ish, Nipun Malhotra, Shekhar Kunal
Oral Oncology
Effect modification of legalizing recreational cannabis use on the association between e-cigarette use and future cannabis use among US adolescents
Zongshuan Duan, Yu Wang, Scott Weaver, Claire Spears, Pinpin Zheng, Shannon Self-Brown, Michael Eriksen, Jidong Huang
Drug and Alcohol Dependence
School-based programs to prevent adolescent e-cigarette use: A report card
Jessica Liu, Shivani Gaiha, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher
Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care
Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health
Jessica Liu, Shivani Gaiha, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher
Tobacco Dependence
Panagis Galiatsatos
Systematic review of intervention functions, theoretical constructs and cultural adaptations of school-based smoking prevention interventions in low-income and middle-income countries
Maryam Ba-Break, Bridgette Bewick, Reinhard Huss, Tim Ensor, Asma Abahussin, Hamdi Alhakimi, Helen Elsey
BMJ Open
Anxiety as a predictor of the age of initiation of tobacco and cannabis use in adolescents and young adults
Bara Bataineh, Anna Wilkinson, Aslesha Sumbe, Stephanie Clendennen, Baojiang Chen, Sarah Messiah, Melissa Harrell
Addictive Behaviors
Child–Adult Contract for Prevention of Tobacco Use: “As-Treated” Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (the TOPAS Study) at 3-Year Follow-Up
Dorien Beeres, Anni-Maria Pulkki-Brännström, Maria Nilsson, Maria Galanti
Prevention Science
The ‘Eigenständig werden’ prevention trial: a cluster randomised controlled study on a school-based life skills programme to prevent substance use onset
Julia Hansen, Reiner Hanewinkel, Karin Maruska, Barbara Isensee
BMJ Open
Effects of a school-based prevention programme on smoking in early adolescence: a 6-month follow-up of the ‘Eigenständig werden’ cluster randomised trial
Barbara Isensee, Julia Hansen, Karin Maruska, Reiner Hanewinkel
BMJ Open
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure: doctors’ role in the vaping epidemic
Frank J. Borm, Sophie Cohen, Gregorio P. Milani, Peter de Winter, Danielle Cohen
European Journal of Pediatrics
Applying Social Network Theory to Vaping in High School: Implications for Person-Centered Intervention
Daniel Roy Sadek Habib, Annabel Kady
Substance Use & Misuse
Perceptions of Harm and Addictiveness for Nicotine Products, THC e-Cigarettes, and e-Cigarettes with Other Ingredients Among Adolescents, Young Adults, and Adults
Jessica Liu, Devin McCauley, Shivani Mathur Gaiha, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher
Substance Use & Misuse
Tobacco Cessation – A Comprehensive Review
Suranjana Jonak Hazarika, Sloka Kanungo
Journal of Primary Care Dentistry and Oral Health
Prevalence of Tobacco Products’ Use and Associated Factors Among Adolescents in Morocco: A Systematic Review
Salma Ghofrane MOUTAWAKKIL, Abdelfettah EL-AMMARI, Hicham EL MALKI, Mohammed El Amine RAGALA, Karima EL RHAZI, Btissame ZARROUQ
Substance Use: Research and Treatment
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