Prevalence and knowledge on e-cigarette among teenagers in Romania 2016
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Marius Nasta Institute of Pneumology, Romania
Pneumology Hospital Iasi, Romania
Pneumology Hospital Cluj, Romania
Pneumology Hospital Timisoara, Romania
Pneumology Hospital Tg. Mures, Romania
Pneumology Hospital Constanta, Romania
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A555
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The prevalence of smoking for adolescents in Romania is growing, especially due to girls. According to the study GATS 2011 most of daily smokers started smoking at age 17-19 years (43.1%); 17% started smoking even before 15 years, mostly in rural areas Identifying factors that favor its use will allow better management of the phenomenon. Worrying is the fact that they use the device for inhalation of other psychoactive substances . The number of users among young people the electronic cigarette tends to be a in an ascendant trend among teenagers and especially girls.

The main objectives were to establish the prevalence of using, condition of using and knowledge about e-cigarette among them A number of 2000 original questionnaires was directly distribute to teenagers for high schools from 6 important towns from Romania.

A number of 776 (457 girls and 319 boys ) adolescents from different parts of the country where involved. The main objectives were to establish the prevalence of using, condition of using and knowledge about e-cigarette among them. 324 (42%) had used the device 177 girls and 147 boys. Majority of users were smokers but a number of 61 (21%) were nonsmokers and they used it. Although the majority said they use it occasionally they are able to present the advantages and disadvantages of the device . The one who never used it related no advantages and the users mentioned : less toxicity, money save, you can smoke it everywhere . Regarding disadvantages the option were more variety like: battery power, price, utility and so on.

In conclusion, in the absence of specific legislative measures for Romania we can expect an increasing number of users among young people the electronic cigarette tends to be a in an ascendant trend among teenagers and especially girls.
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