Passengers views on smoke-free provisions of Tobacco Control Law in trains and rail stations
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Madar Baksh Saleh Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bangladesh Cancer Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Center for Law and Policy Affairs, Dhaka, Bangladesh
National Tobacco Control Cell, Health Services Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
Sazia Binte Saleh   

Madar Baksh Saleh Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A93
According to Bangladesh Smoking and Tobacco Products Usage (Control) Act 2005 (amended in 2013), ‘railway station buildings’, ‘queue to get in the public transports’ (i.e.; platform) and ‘trains’ are smoke free. First class railway staffs are responsible to ensure enforcement of this law. The Railway Act 1890 banned smoking in train. More than 90 million passengers traveled by train in 2018.

This study aimed to find passenger’s knowledge and views on smoke free provisions of law, its implementation and obstacles in relation to railway stations and trains.

Study was conducted among passengers from rail stations (18 large stations/junctions) and trains (21 inter-city and mail trains). Study questionnaire based on closed-end questions with few open-end used here.

Total of 596 respondents (aged between 18 to 70 years) were interviewed. Among them, 97.5% (n581) observed smoking in rail stations in last 30 days. Smoking were observed highest 97.6% (n567) in platform and lowest in waiting room 4.8% (n28) & office room area 4% (n23). Only 8.4% (n50) respondents observed action against smoking. Among them, smokers warned by railway staff were seen by 12% (n6) respondent and only 4% (n2) respondent observed punishments by mobile courts. At trains, 79.9% (n476) respondents observed smoking in last 30 days. Among them, highest 95.6% (n454) smoking events observed in washroom area and lowest 22.3% (n106) inside compartments. Only 16.3% (n97) respondents observed action against smoking where only 6.2% (n6) respondents observed smokers warned by railway staff.

Effective enforcement of smoke-free provisions of law require capacity building trainings for railway staff, display no-smoking signages and organize awareness campaigns for passengers at all trains and stations. Monitoring and supervision by senior officials of Ministry of Railways those who have magistracy power to conduct mobile courts on enforcement of various laws including TC law.
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