Multimedia campaign aimed at increasing support among the Dutch population for measures to protect children from the temptations of tobacco
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Dutch Cancer Society, Prevention, Netherlands
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A742
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Background and challenges to implementation:
As part of a comprehensive strategy (2015-2018), aimed at protecting children from the temptations of tobacco, cross-media communication is an important instrument for the Dutch Cancer Society to increase knowledge, understanding and support among the Dutch population. With a high level of social support, the government will be more likely to take the necessary measures to protect children from tobacco. A successful part of the cross-media communication is the campaign 'That's actually quite ridiculous, right?', which focuses on the target group 30-50 year olds.

Intervention or response:
The campaign is divided into phases and works towards 3 matching goals:
1. Awareness, urgency and indignation have been created about the temptations of tobacco;
2. Support among the Dutch population for the necessary measures has increased;
3. Society and government are inspired, mobilized and activated to protect children
from the temptations of tobacco.
Phase 1 has taken place with the key message that it´s "quite ridiculous" how we still regard cigarettes to be very normal in our society. 5 campaign flights are deployed over 1½ years (2015-2016), via TV commercials, radio spots, outdoor and online.

Results and lessons learnt:
The results of phase 1 measured among the target group, show:
- Average report rate: 7.7;
- Prompted awareness: 82%;
- 86% of the target group believes that government should take measures to
prevent children from starting smoking (baseline 68%);
- 71% of the target group is willing to do something to ensure that children do not
start smoking (baseline 65%).

Conclusions and key recommendations:
The campaign has demonstrably contributed to increasing the level of support in Dutch society for protecting children from the temptations of tobacco. This encourages Dutch government to implement the necessary measures. The campaign´s success factors include the positive frame, not alienating the "smoker" and appealing to the target group by creating awareness, after which people turn to thinking.
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