Moving to tobacco cultivation free livelihoods in Sri Lanka: lessons learned from India and Kenya
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Alcohol and Drug Information Center (ADIC), Sri Lanka
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A940
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The tobacco cultivation extend is 4480 Hectares (in year 2000) which account to 0.19% total agricultural land which it is not a government supported agriculture sector in Sri Lanka. Majority of the farmers are small scale farmers and do farming in tenure basis. The existence and sustainability of sector depend on the support provided by Ceylon Tobacco Company (CTC) which holds the monopoly of market. To make country free from tobacco cultivation, introduction of alternative livelihoods is mandatory. Therefore applicability of lessons from implementing Framework Convention on Tobacco Control recommendations in Kenya and India are discussed in the paper.
Objective: To make recommendations in adopting alternative livelihoods for tobacco farmers in Sri Lanka.

Data collected from secondary data sources were reviewed. The model was developed analyzing the existing statistics, case studies, paper articles, expert opinions and other reliable information sources. Conceptual framework was developed to address the issue.

A Model was developed to make recommendations to initiate alternative livelihoods for current tobacco farmers in the country. Model is based on changing the psychological way of thinking of farmers for the sustainable adoption to change in their livelihood. This involves the improve understanding of the negative impacts to their families (wife, children) while showing viable commercial options where there are higher economic, health and emotional gains. The myths ingrained in farmers mind via tobacco industry should be defeated.


- Tobacco industry uses farmers as a front group in protecting the industry while misleading the media.
- Initiation of alternative livelihoods for tobacco farmers is a long process which takes time to adopt people with the change of their mindset.
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