Monitoring of compliance with the national tobacco advertising law in 11 cities in China
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Chinese Association on Tobacco Control, China
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A189
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China's revised national Advertising Law went into effect on September 1, 2015. It prohibits tobacco advertising to minors in any form and comprehensively bans tobacco advertising in public places, public transportation and outdoor areas. To assess compliance with the advertising ban at points of sale (POS), in public places and outdoor areas.

During March to April, 2016, we conducted a survey in 11 cities in China (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Kunming, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Lanzhou, Haerbin and Zhangjiakou), and visited POS (tobacco specialty stores, supermarkets, convenience stores and newsstands), public places (bus stops, bus terminals, train station, airports, hospitals, restaurants, bars and shopping malls), and outdoor areas. An observation form was developed to record the number, type, brand, size, other relevant tobacco advertising and promotion information, and the presence of minors in the selected places.

POS (n=1,236): Tobacco advertising was observed in all 11 cities and in almost 47% of the observed places. The most prevalent was in tobacco specialty stores (78%). The most common type of tobacco advertising was pasted advertising (34%). 70% of the POS did not have the “No tobacco to Minors” sign and almost 18% stores had minors inside. POS tobacco promotion was found in 10 cities and in 4% of the POS. Public places (n=1,453): Tobacco advertising was found in 9 cities and in almost 4% of the observed places in these cities. Outdoor areas (n=149 major blocks): Tobacco advertising was observed in 4 cities and from 19% of the observed blocks in these cities.

Despite implementation of the revised national Advertising Law, tobacco advertising and promotion is still commonly found at tobacco POS in China. Law enforcement agencies should increase inspection and enforcement measures on tobacco advertising and promotion.
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