Marketing to the selfie generation: a case study of "A" cigarette brand marketing communication in Indonesia
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School of Public Health, The University of Sydney, Australia
School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Indonesia
Prevention Research Collaboration (PRC), Charles Perkin Center, The University of Sydney, Australia
Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA), Thailand
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A735
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Incomplete bans of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship [TAPS] in Indonesia enable the tobacco industry to exploit both direct and indirect cigarette promotion. Alongside its annual SoundrenAline concert to promote Sampoerna A cigarette brand, PT HM Sampoerna used social media and its corporate website to develop its brand image. This study aims to describe an integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategy of Sampoerna A brand and how Instagram and the corporate website were leveraged to broaden the marketing campaign reach and to increase engagement with young people.

A case study of the A cigarette brand IMC was conducted by gathering data from three main sources. HM Sampoerna reports and company websites were reviewed. Four pairs of observers conducted an observation survey, systematically auditing and documenting tobacco promotion and advertising at the 2016 SoundrenAline concert. Social media data was obtained from a search of hashtags on Instagram. The ten most frequently used hashtags related to the concert were reviewed and documented.

An IMC strategy of the A brand was conducted through consistent brand image communication across different medium including the live music event and a virtual event on the corporate websites and social media accounts. Instagram boosted event promotion with more than 25,000 posts for the two main hashtags that were endorsed during the concerts. HM Sampoerna evaded the advertising law by changing the concert name, using pictorial health warnings on the promotional material and including an age 18+ restriction to both the concert and to the websites.

This case study provides evidence that PT HM Sampoerna has exploited loopholes in the incomplete Indonesian tobacco control regulation and has embraced social media and the internet to leverage its cigarette marketing. Indonesian tobacco advertising bans need to be reformed to include internet and social media advertising in order to effectively protect young people.
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