Local resource mobilization: A sustainable and effective financing for Tobacco Control in Bangladesh
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Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Washington, United States
Young Power in Social Action, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
Md. Abdus Salam Miah   

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, 1400 I Street NW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20005, United States
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A45
Bangladesh being among the first countries signing FCTC has been running its tobacco control (TC) programs establishing a National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) within the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Financing from the donor and government revenue remains so far as the major source of supporting the TC in Bangladesh. Apart from it, mobilization of local financing and resources allocation by 12 local government institutes created a huge momentum in implementing TC law.

To find out a sustainable approach for Tobacco Control in Bangladesh.

Conduction of activities including awareness campaigns, advocacy, lobbying, sensitization of the leadership of local government institutes and pressure-group supported activism worked hand in hand with media, created demand for financial engagement of local government in TC Law implementation.

12 local government institutes: Dhaka North City Corporation, Dhaka South City Corporation, Chattogram City Corporation and Nine Municipality Corporations in Chattogram Division allocated funds for TC activities from their annual budget amounting to USD 600-24000. They successfully initiated activities using the fund, observed world No Tobacco Day, designed and created anti-tobacco signage, displayed them in hotels, restaurants, public offices and public places. They have been also conducting periodic monitoring and coordination meetings with the concerned authorities such as the civil surgeon, police, law enforcers, owners’ associations of hotels, restaurants, and public transport using the fund. The Mayor of Chattogram City Corporation issued a public notice banning sales of tobacco products within 100 meters of schools. The city corporation also assigned authorized officers to conduct enforcement activities under TC law and punished violators.

Allocation of own funds and ownership of Local Government Authorities appears to be an effective way to ensure the sustainability of TC law implementation.
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