Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding use of tobacco among medical students of a medical college of Eastern region Nepal
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Chitwan Medical College, School of Nursing, Nepal
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A406
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Tobacco use is one of the leading preventable causes of premature death, disease and disability around the world. It is one of the risk factors for six out of eight leading causes of death worldwide. Medical students, the future health professionals, who should be the role model, are indulging in the tobacco use which may flow the wrong information to the public. The study was conducted with the objective to assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding use of tobacco among medical students of a Medical College, Dharan.

A descriptive, cross-sectional study design was adopted with total of 100 sample size in this study. Stratified proportionate random sampling technique was used. Pre-designed, pretested, self-administered research instrument was used for the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used appropriately to analyze the data.

The median percentage score of knowledge of the respondents was 66.67%. More than half (51%) of the respondents had adequate knowledge regarding use of tobacco. Almost all (93%) had positive attitude against use of tobacco. It was found that 24% of the respondents were tobacco users either smoking or smokeless (chewing tobacco).There was significant association of knowledge regarding use of tobacco with residence (0.012). Attitude regarding use of tobacco was also significantly associated with age (0.022). Study findings also depicted that there was no relationship between knowledge and attitude. There was no significant association of knowledge with practice but attitude was found to be significantly associated with practice (0.01).

Knowledge was adequate in more than half of the respondents and almost all had positive attitude. Despite this, there was still practice of use of tobacco in one fourth of the respondents. This symbolizes that the awareness regarding use of tobacco, its harmful effects and different tobacco cessation programs needs to be implemented in the medical students.
Awareness on ill effects of tobacco usage among tobacco users
R. Nivethitha, L. Leelavathi
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research
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