Jakarta millennials’ perception on smoking cigarette
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Al Azhar Indonesia University, Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Ida A. M. A. Kusumaningtyas   

Al Azhar Indonesia University, Jl. Sisingamangaraja No.2, RT.2/RW.1, Selong, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta City, Jakarta 12110, Republic of Indonesia
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A228
The prevalence of young people who smoke cigarette in Indonesia continues to grow with the age of new smokers are getting younger.

This study aims to determine perceptions of millennials in Jakarta on smoking cigarettes and factors that influence them to smoke.

This is a descriptive analytical study with quantitative approach using a self-assessment questionnaire. The total respondents were 670 students of High School 109 Jakarta who presented at the school during data collection.

A total of 35 students, including one female student were smoking cigarette every day. More than 30% of them has started smoking since they were 14 years old. One student started smoking at the age of 8. Peer pressures and role models have caused more than half of the Millennials smoking cigarette. The majority of them buying cigarettes per stick but some by collected money. Small stores and street vendors are the most popular spots to buy cigarettes. The majority of students exposed cigarette advertisements on TV. Some 60% of them became passive smokers at home. More than 90% of them supported the increasing price of cigarette up to Rp50000- (US$3.6) per pack. Most of the smoking students would like to stop smoking if the price increase.

This study proposes adults for not smoking near children and millennials. Schools as non-smoking areas should be applied with strong law enforcement. The sale of cigarettes must be limited to 18+ and impose sanctions for violation. Total ban on advertisements, promotions and sponsorship along with increasing price of cigarettes as high as possible is a must. Immediate FCTC accession to protect children from the effects of cigarette consumption and exposure to cigarette smoke is a mandatory.
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