Integrating cessation strategies into psychiatric treatment for the vulnerable
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Tripura University, Psychology, India
Government of Mizoram, Directorate of Health Services, India
Mizoram University, Law, India
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A912
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Researches have shown that tobacco use is significantly higher in people with mental illnesses than in the general population. Increased morbidity and mortality in this population is due in large part to treatable medical conditions associated with modifiable risk factors like tobacco. It is likely that tobacco cessation interventions that take into account a history of mental illness and offer a treatment programme that addresses the needs of these people may reverse the disparities seen in treatment outcomes. The aim was to find out the presence and importance of Integrating Cessation Strategies into Psychiatric Treatment.

140 participants having mild to serious psychological problems were selected from Aizawl using purposive random sampling with age ranging between 17-30 years. Close ended questions were framed and interview was done.

Out of 140 participants 100% used some forms of tobacco. 42% had used tobacco prior to their illness. 58% used tobacco following their illness, 84% were high dependent tobacco users. 98% admit using tobacco because of their psychological problems. 96% admit feeling better using it. 54% of the participants have never been advised by their doctor to quit, more than 92% of these participants were willing to receive treatment for tobacco dependency. At least 42% have received indirect advice regarding tobacco cessation. No participants received direct advise. 93% of the participants admit if advised, they will consider cutting down and even quitting.

The results have suggested the need of Integrating Cessation Strategies into Psychiatric Treatment - Training mental health care providers in tobacco cessation strategies and integrating it into mental health treatment plans will come a long way in protecting this vulnerable population. In terms of lives saved, quality of life, and cost efficacy, treating tobacco use is considered to be one of the most important activities a clinician can do.
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