Identifying determinants and deciding measures with children to reduce the attraction towards tobacco consumption using community based intervention
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Department of Health Promotion, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihinthale, Sri Lanka
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Eshan Madhumadawa   

Department of Health Promotion, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihinthale, Sri Lanka
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A168
In Sri Lanka, tobacco usage prevalence among 15-24 years is 18.7%. According to secondary data and observations, tobacco usage was high in the selected study setting, Palugaswewa village in Anuradhapura. Children can be empowered to address this issue through reducing attractive image build around the tobacco smoking.

To identify determinants and decide measures with children to reduce the attraction towards tobacco consumption using community based intervention.

The community based study was conducted with 40 children aged between 12 to 18 years in Palugaswewa village for 3 months. A children society was formed to carry out the intervention. Initially, children were facilitated to collect burnt cigarette buds on either sides of the roads in the village within one week to roughly assess indirect indicator of smoking. Cigarette buds were collected by the children. Based on results of that activity, interactive group discussions with children were initiated and conducted by health promotion facilitators. Children were facilitated to identify and prioritize the most influential determinants to address the attractiveness on tobacco. Then they were asked to develop activities address selected determinants.

Children had collected 230 cigarette buds within a week from their village. Nine determinants were identified and six determinants were prioritized including media influences, commercial influences, peer influences, positive image on tobacco and positive perception towards smokers. Children drew twelve posters that showed the harmfulness of tobacco and hanged at the public places such as near the shop, near bus stands, near the three-wheeler park, near the tuition classes.

Children are capable in identifying determinants which affect for creating attractiveness on tobacco and reducing attractiveness towards tobacco usage is probable through community based approach.
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