Generativity, self-rated health and smoking behavior of older people in Sri Lanka
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University of Ruhuna, Community Medicine, Sri Lanka
University of Ruhuna, Nursing Degree Program, Sri Lanka
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A383
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Sri Lanka has one of the fastest aging populations in Asia. Smoking may increase older peoples' risk of developing chronic diseases including cognitive impairments and depression. This study investigated the associations between smoking habits, self-rated psychological health and generativity concern (desire to nurture next generations) in a sample of older people in Galle, Sri Lanka.

A sample of older people (60 years and above) were surveyed using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Generativity was measured using Loyola Generative Scale (LGS). Higher scores of LGS indicate higher generative concern. Self-rated health of the participants was measured using 5 point likert scale.

A Total of 208 elders (40% were men) were surveyed. The mean age was 70.7 (SD = 7.6) and 13.4% of men and 1.6% women were current smokers (p < .01). The mean values of LGS scores were 47.5 (SD = 7.1) for men and 47.3 (SD = 7.5) for women. Mean LGS score of current smokers (smoke at least once a month) is lower than that of others (43.2 versus 47.7, p = 0.03). Self-rated psychological health in current smokers was lower than that of non-smokers (p < .05). LGS score was positively associated with self-rated psychological health (r = 0.34, p< 0.01).

Concern about and having more interactions with younger people would probably help older people to control or quit smoking. In communities where generative concern is highly valued, the construct could be used as an effective health promotion strategy to control smoking behavior in older people.
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