From press conferences to media dialogues, Cameroon learned to be more effective in relaying tobacco control messages
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Cameroonian Coalition for Tobacco Control (C3T), Cameroon
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A632
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Background and challenges to implementation:
Cameroon ratified the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in 2006. Eleven years later, the country has still not adopted a national tobacco control bill, something the FCTC recommends be done three years into ratification.
Knowing how powerful the media is in relaying information to the general public and to decision makers, the Cameroonian Coalition for Tobacco Control (C3T) has over the past years equipped journalists with information that can lead to the adoption of better regulation and legislation of tobacco and its products in Cameroon.
Initially, C3T interacted with the media through Press Conferences. With time however, the coalition learned that it will communicate much more effectively if it transformed its Press Conferences to Media Dialogues. With such dialogues, there is the opportunity for both parties to discuss issues, contrary to Press Conferences where the journalists only receive information as it is given to them.

Intervention or response:
C3T eventually switched from Press Conferences to Media Dialogues. Instead of having a formal event full of protocol, journalists were introduced to a much more relaxed atmosphere where they could freely discuss tobacco control issues and crack a few jokes in the process.

Results and lessons learnt:
The principal result of this approach is more engagement shown in tobacco control activities by the journalists. When they are given the opportunity to be part of the discussion of the problem, they themselves come up with innovative solutions; solutions that are not only very effective, but also feasible vis-a-vis the hurdles a journalist will normally face while discharging his/her duties.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
It is absolutely necessary to engage the media in tobacco control discussions. If they are given the chance to actively participate in such discussions, they get more engaged in the subject and relay information (to decision makers and the general public) much more effectively.
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