Explore to operating mode of smoking cessation clinic services in China
Yi Nan 1
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Tobacco Control Office, China CDC, China
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A869
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Background and challenges to implementation:
Facing the large amount of smokers and the prevalence trend in China, there is a huge potential demand for smoking cessation services. Using smoking cessation clinic services is recommended by the WHO.

Intervention or response:
From 2014, three smoking cessation clinics were asked to set up in each province by the National Health and Family Planning Commission.
Requests of the work include
1. All the clinics get their personnel trained by Tobacco Control Office, China CDC.
2. Follow the Intervention process developed by the Office
3. Establish the referral system in the hospital and provide publicity.
4. Conduct effect evaluation and process evaluation

Results and lessons learnt:

1. Intervention process lasted from July 2014 to June 2016. In the first year, all the clinics were asked to follow the original intervention procedure, which includes one registration and three follow up. The intervention procedure was simplified to one registration and one follow up during the second year.
2. 6 286 smokers received the original intervention services, while 7 662 smokers received brief intervention.
3. For the original intervention, one-month reporting quitting rate is 23.6%, and continued quitting rate 22.8%. For the brief intervention, 30.7% of the smokers were reported quit smoking during one-month.
4. 52.1% of the patients were referred by the referral system, 11.4% by their family members or friends, and 27.9% by publicity.

Conclusions and key recommendations:

1. The average proportion of both one-month quitting rate reported by the smokers and continued quitting rate were over 20%. Smoking cessation clinic services in China can effectively help smokers quit smoking.
2. The referral system effectively helped smokers access to the clinic and better increased the outpatient volume. Publicity must be conducted in the future work.
3. Brief intervention procedure was more acceptable, compact and feasible. It should be adopted as a standard procedure in the future.
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