Experience establishing National Quitline Service in Ukraine
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City Health Center, Health Care Department of Kyiv City, Ukraine
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A877
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Background and challenges to implementation:
41% of people who were smokers during the previous year attempted to quit. Out of these, only 7% were successful as estimated within the year of the quit attempt. The volume and quality of smoking cessation assistance at the primary health care level is not enough: only 42% of smokers who visited hospitals, doctors asked about there smoking; 77% of all smokers consider creating a professional service to help stop smoking necessary. 17% of smokers would like to use a Quitline. 13% of smokers would like to use the SMS of e-mails.

Intervention or response:
Therefore, in order to meet these needs, for the first time, a national smoking cessation assistance service in Ukraine was organized. It is based on the best scientifically proven practices and consultations of international experts. The telephone line is organized in conjunction with a site where you can register and undergo smoking testing, degree of dependence and motivation to throw. The site and telephone line are linked by a CRM system for rapid response to customers. You can provide on-line chat and e-mail.

Results and lessons learnt:
During the first month of work 437 reactive consultations were given, the average duration was 10-15 minutes. Lost 190 calls. Consultants provide services in accordance with WHO guidelines for telephone counseling. Among the consulted 290 men and 140 women.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
The service is well received by ordinary smokers. The existence of the Service encourages medical staff to provide advice on the existence of this service and provide short consultations on smoking cessation. Encourages smokers to call the telephone line on the advice of a professional counselor and on the site for self-help and self-motivation. This is a good first example of a successful modern intervention in the prevention of non-communicable diseases in the public health system of Ukraine.
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