Effects of 85% pictorial health warnings on manufactured cigarette package: a cross-sectional survey at retail shops
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Mahidol University, Department of Health Education and Behavioral Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Thailand
Ramkhamhaeng University, Sukhothai Campus, Faculty of Public Health, Thailand
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A195
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The trend for larger, picture health warnings is growing and unstoppable. Thailand have now finalized full color picture health warnings (PHWs) requirements, an increase from the 50% of the cigarette package front and back to 85% that had implemented by September 23, 2014. Even though a larger size are more likely to be noticed, it can be communicate the health risk of tobacco use through desire to quit smoking among current smokers and not want to smoke for those who non-smokers.

A cross sectional survey was conducted to determine the effects of 85%PHWs level for both non-smokers and current cigarette smokers. Those were selected by an accidental sampling when they come to purchase anything including cigarette for themselves at the retail stores after the enforcement of 85%PHWs for 6th weeks. A single-stage cluster sampling and a systematic random sampling were adopted to select 260 retail stores at 7 target areas over country. Statistical analysis was performed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.

A total of 541 customers were interviewed. 48.4% of those who were non-smokers, 11.3% were former smokers, and 40.3% currently smoking manufactured cigarettes. After noticed 85% PHWs, 99.2% of non-smokers did not want to start smoking and 100.0% of former smokers did not want to return smoking, relapsing. 53.7% of current smokers desired to quit smoking. As compare the intensity of desire to quit smoking between noticing 85%PHWs and 55%PHWs, the survey found that 13.5% of current smokers who did not want to stop smoking when noticing 55%PHWs desired to quit after noting 85%of PHWs.

The more increase the sizes of PHWs, the more increase the health risk of tobacco use and then follow by the increasing rate of intention to quit smoking.
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