Effective way to prevent tobacco consumption of husbands through public health midwives
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Alcohol and Drug Information Center (ADIC), Social Mobilization, Sri Lanka
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A583
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Background and challenges to implementation:
During the pregnancy period the husband is a lot concerned about his child. Therefore he is very flexible to change towards the goodness during this period. Therefore we got this opportunity to influence the husbands through the pregnant mothers; to encourage their husband's to quit their tobacco consumption and to make a tobacco free environment.
Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (ADIC) implemented an intervention to make a tobacco free environment for pregnant mothers and help their husbands to quit smoking by conducting trainings for 221 public health midwives ( PHM ) in 06 districts.

Intervention or response:
ADIC trained PHM in order to implement prevention activities among the target community. They used materials such as hand bills, stickers distributed by ADIC. PHMs conducted short sessions during clinics and parents meetings, empowering women's groups in the community. Follow up's were done by field visits, at the places of measuring the weight of child, in the breast feeding and nutrition training programmes conducted for pregnant mothers.
We introduced a new monitoring tool to the Medical officer of health (MOH) office to review the progress of the interventions. The result chart which has to be filled by the PHM when they come to main office for the special meeting conducted once a month.

Results and lessons learnt:
Significantly 665 houses converted to a smoke free environment out of the 3000 pregnant mother's houses. 857 husbands reduced the number of times they smoked and 236 quit smoking.
The total expenditure is Rs 75,000.00 for PHMs trainings per year in one district. 388 person have reduced/quit smoking .Therefore the cost per person to help them to stop/quit their smoking habit is only Rs193.29.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
Addressing a family thorough PHMs is a very effective and sustainable way of reducing the use of tobacco in a community.
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