Effective way to prevent tobacco consumption of husbands through pregnant mothers
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Alcohol and Drug Information Center (ADIC), Social Mobilization, Sri Lanka
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A704
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Background and challenges to implementation:
During the pregnancy period the husband is a lot concerned about health of his wife and child. Therefore he is very flexible to change towards the goodness during this period. Therefore we got this opportunity to influence the husbands through the pregnant mothers, to encourage their husband's to quit their tobacco consumption and to make a tobacco free environment.
Alcohol and Drug Information Center (ADIC) implemented direct interventions with pregnant mothers in 03 MOH areas to help their husbands to quit smoking and to make a tobacco free environment.
The biggest challenge was changing the husband's smoking behavior within nine months. It was also difficult to have meetings with mothers to keep a sustainability after the baby was born.

Intervention or response:
Pregnant mothers were trained by ADIC once a month in their clinics when they came to check their health condition. They support us for prevention and spread the messages among the target community. They used materials such as hand bills, stickers distributed by ADIC. ADIC staff conducted short sessions during their clinics and parent's meetings, empowering women's groups in the community.
Follow up's were done by conducting field visits and by making telephone calls.
To overcome the biggest challenge we created small community groups near pregnant mother's houses and we held meetings with them twice a week until the baby was born. Then we did follow up with them by telephone calls to continue the progress till two years.

Results and lessons learnt:
According to the pre and post evaluation tobacco free houses were improved from 23.18% to 93.75%. Number of husbands who reduced smoking were improved from 18.84% to 57.69%. Number of husbands who quit smoking were improved from 18.84%-30.76%

Conclusions and key recommendations:
Addressing a husband thorough pregnant mother's is a very effective way of reducing the use of tobacco in a community.
A pilot study of the Tobacco Treatment Guidelines for High-Risk Groups (TOB-G) for pregnant and postpartum women
Sophia Papadakis, Vergina Vyzikidou, Victoria Vivilaki, Constantine Vardavas, Andriani Loukopoulou, Theodosia Peleki, Vaso Evangelopoulou, Panagiotis Behrakis
European Journal of Midwifery
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