Effect of smokeless tobacco on vascular changes following flap surgery - a doppler study
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Sri Ramachandra University, Oral Pathology and Microbiology, India
Sri Ramachandra University, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, India
Sri Ramachandra University, Public Health Dentistry, India
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A293
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Very little attention has been paid to the association of smokeless tobacco and the health of gingival and periodontal tissues. Recent studies suggests the role of tobacco chewing in deterioration of gingival and periodontal tissues. Capillary units in the crestal gingiva are affected by inflammation and gingival blood flow may serve as a prognostic marker for inflammation. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of vascular flow following periodontal surgery amongst smokeless tobacco chewers and non tobacco chewers using ultrasound doppler flowmetry.

Based on an inclusion and exclusion criteria, two group of subjects with chronic periodontitis were randomly selected for the study. The control group consisted of subjects without tobacco chewing habit while the test group consisted of subjects with the habit of tobacco chewing. Necessary blood and radiographic investigations were taken and subjects were treated with flap surgeries in both the group of patients. Following the surgery , vascular blood flow was analysed on the second and seventh post operative days using laser doppler flowmetry.

Smokeless tobacco chewers demonstrated decreased vascular flow following periodontal flap surgery compared to non chewers.

A positive correlation was observed between Laser Doppler Flowmetry readings and clinical signs of inflammation. After surgery, there was a decrease in blood flow, among tobacco chewers, when compared with non chewers, on second & seventh post - operative days in doppler study.

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