Dutch municipalities on their way towards a smokefree generation
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Dutch Cancer Society, Prevention, Netherlands
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A656
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Background and challenges to implementation:
In 2015 the Dutch Cancer Society, Heart and Lung foundation started the movement 'Towards a Smokefree Generation'. We aim for a society in which children can be raised without any exposure to tobacco smoke and the temptation to start smoking. We developed a roadmap that holds a low threshold for stakeholders to start participating (including governments, social partners and civil society). The Smokefree Generation is positively framed, consistent with all political colors, takes away polarization and opens conversation. The movement grew rapidly to more than 70 partners in july 2017.
Municipalities play an important role in the Smokefree Generation. The Dutch Cancer Society took on the task of encouraging and facilitating municipalities to contribute.

Intervention or response:
We started with research in which we examined the extent to which municipalities used smoking policies, what opportunities they saw for the Smokefree Generation and their need for support. Based on this research, we developed and spread products that met the needs: information on the risks and impact of smoking, inspirational input for agendasetting and practical opportunities to tackle. We supported municipalities actively from agendasetting to policy making and implementation.

Results and lessons learnt:
A movement arose on a local level in the Netherlands. Municipalities inspired each other and the four largest municipalities became precursors. More and more municipalities incorporated the Smokefree Generation into their policies and activities. In some cases also with a clear coalition formation with stakeholders, including childcare, education, sports and health care. Agreements were made to contribute to the Smokefree Generation and this way children´s environments were made smokefree more easily.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
By inspiring and mobilizing municipalities customized and through the positive framework of the Smokefree Generation, more and more municipalities in the Netherlands make an important contribution to this fast-growing movement.
Accelerating tobacco control at the national level with the Smoke-free Generation movement in the Netherlands
Marc Willemsen, Jasper Been
npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine
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