Dissuasion of nonsmoking doctors teachers and civil servants survey
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Shenyang In China Institute for Health Education and Promotion, China
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A49
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One of the efficient ways of tobacco control is that people who don't smoke safeguard their rights. The job nature and social status of doctors, teachers and civil servants make them more representative in dissuading smoking.

The job nature and social status of doctors, teachers and civil servants could be influential on dissuading people from smoking. With 2457 questionnaires taken back, 2377 of them are valid. This survey's valid rate is 96.74%.


1. 35% interviewees indicate that there are smokers in their home while 73.6% of these families have the limited smoking area. 52.5% interviewees acknowledge dissuasion behavior. Besides, the most effective dissuasion reason is children.
2. 53.5% interviewees indicate that there are smokers in workplace. 28.2% nonsmokers would dissuade while 46.2% would leave and 25.6% would do nothing.
3. 9.5% nonsmokers would take the initiative to discourage smoking in public places while 79% would leave and 11.5% would do nothing. The most effective reason is no-smoking rules. 5.9% people consider the dissuasion effective every time while 51.9% people consider it effective in most of the time.
4. Among the three professions, doctor takes the highest percentage to dissuade smoking in public places, home and workplace.


1. The rate of nonsmokers dissuading smoking is still low. Dissuasion at home happens more frequently than in public places and workplace. Dissuasion behavior more possibly happens between acquaintances.
2. Nonsmokers discourage smoking at home because they worry about the smokers' health while the reason turns into worrying about their own health during public place dissuasion and workplace dissuasion.
3. The most effective dissuasion reason at home is "do not smoke beside children" while the most effective dissuasion reason in public places is nonsmoking rules.
4. The doctors' rate of dissuasion is significantly higher than teachers and civil servants.
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