Dental specialist trainees´ competence in instituting tobacco cessation services in Nigeria
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University of Lagos, Preventive Dentistry, Nigeria
University of Ibadan, Community Medicine, Nigeria
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A846
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Oral health problems arising from tobacco use have been reported and some of these conditions can be prevented through Tobacco Cessation (TC). Dentists provide tobacco cessation services to patients. In Nigeria, little is documented on the knowledge of TC and its attending challenges experienced by dentists in carrying out TC services. This study was conducted to assess this among dentists in Southwest Nigeria.

A cross sectional study was carried out in eight tertiary healthcare facilities within the six states of the Southwest geopolitical zone. A total population survey involving two hundred and five dentists undergoing postgraduate training and/or providing services in the tertiary hospitals was conducted. A pre-tested, semi structured self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information on socio-demographics, knowledge of TC methods, the 5As of cessation and challenges in TC. Knowledge questions regarding TC were graded using a 12 point Likert scale. A score of ≥9 was assessed 'good', 5-8 'fair' and ≤4 'poor'. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and logistic regression at p=0.05.

The population comprised of 117 (57.1%) males, 145 (69.3%) trainees and 129 (62.9%) junior officers. Age and years of working experience were 33.8±5.2 years and 6.1±4.4 years respectively. Seventy-two (35.5%) respondents reported good knowledge of TC methods. Fifty-six (27.9%) respondents reported knowledge of clinical practice guidelines regarding TC. Lack of perceived efficacy and training as well as a lack of system support were the most important challenges mentioned by 60.2% and 54.1% of respondents respectively. Most (89.7%) never had prior formal training on TC however 165 (81.3%) were willing to be trained. Non-trainees were less likely to undertake formal TC training (OR 0.91, 95% CI 0.43-1.96).

Knowledge of tobacco cessation was poor among dentists and challenges abound. Formal training to improve knowledge of Tobacco Cessation and provision of systems support are needed in Nigeria.
The role of dentists in clinical tobacco cessation interventions: The status in Nigeria
Kehinde Kanmodi
Population Medicine
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