Conversations, counselling and change making: The quintessential chain to curb tobacco menace
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Toxin Taxation Private Limited, Hyderabad, India
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Surabhi Somani   

Toxin Taxation Private Limited, Hyderabad, India
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A180
A study on the economics of global tobacco control in 1999, projected that lives saved by preventing youth from tobacco usage are 20 million but if we aid in quitting, 180 million lives could be saved by 2020. So, below framework would aid in quitting tobacco. 3 C framework entails: • Conversation Stage: introduce tobacco addiction and galvanizing them on the long-term benefits of counselling. • Counselling Stage: a customized 12-module plan to quit tobacco. • Change Maker Stage: participant becomes a change agent, motivating others to lead a tobacco-free lifestyle

Explore the 3 C framework in aiding to quit tobacco.

Sample: 25 male respondents with a different occupation, age, economic background consenting to quit tobacco. Post conversation, the participants had one counselling session per week for 3 months. Carbon Monoxide monitor, feedback from family/friends to determine pre and post tobacco usage after 6 months. Tools: Visual reminders, rating scales, handbooks. Mode: Face to face, telephonic/video calls. No drugs were prescribed.

40% of participants completed the entire process, out of which 70 % quit tobacco permanently. 30 % reduced their tobacco usage by 60% to 80%. Conversation Stage made them aware about the ill effects of tobacco usage as well as the benefits of quitting. Counselling Stage motivated them to stay tobacco-free by increasing their confidence through various interventions such as Tobacco usage pattern, Goal setting, Trigger factor and Withdrawal management plans. Finally, Change making stage makes them a part of valuable chain system to aid others in building the entire ecosystem for tobacco cessation. Limitations: Time and financial constraint of the participants

3 C framework is beneficial and is a harm reduction tool for tobacco cessation. Adherence to counselling is the key step to ensure tobacco free lifestyle. Training on the 3 C framework should be conducted for health professionals across geographies so that quitting gets simplified for the tobacco users.
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