Comparison of tobacco use in youth between two South Asian countries for last decade: Analysis from nationally representative GYTS survey
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Department of Epidemiology and Research, National Heart Foundation Hospital and Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Publication date: 2021-09-02
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Md Shehab Uddin Al Abid   

Department of Epidemiology and Research, National Heart Foundation Hospital and Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A134
Tobacco which is also known as “Gateway drug” is one of the leading preventable cause of premature death around world. Youths are prime target of Tobacco industry because they are the long term user. So, Tobacco consumption in youth poses a significant public health problem

This study aimed to analyze and compare prevalence of youth tobacco use, behavior and factors associated in Bangladesh & Sri Lanka in between 2007-2015 utilizing Global youth tobacco survey (GYTS) data.

GYTS is a nationally representative survey on youth tobacco use. In between 2007-2015, there were 2 GYTS survey conducted both in Bangladesh (2007 & 2013) & Sri Lanka (2007 & 2015). Prevalence percentages of different forms of tobacco use & factors influencing tobacco use were examined using SPSS 23.

In 2007, prevalence of youth tobacco users in Bangladesh & Sri Lanka was 6.8% & 9.6% respectively. Afterwards, in Bangladesh-2013 prevalence percentage was 6.9% and in Srilanka-2015 was 3.7%. Cross-tabulations showed that there was significant reduction of smokeless tobacco user in Sri Lanka than Bangladesh; Second-hand smoke exposure both at home and public place significantly reduced in Sri Lanka, anti-tobacco campaign & tobacco education were higher in Sri Lanka, pro-tobacco advertisements were less in Sri Lanka than Bangladesh. It was found that age, gender, second-hand smoke exposure & availability of free tobacco were significantly (P<0.001) associated with tobacco use among youth.

Being in a relatively better position compared to Sri Lanka in 2007, Bangladesh lagged behind them in controlling youth tobacco use. Presence of FCTC compliant law and appropriate policies with strong implementation have influence on youth tobacco behavior as evident from difference of tobacco related indicators in two countries. This study will give a helpful insight regarding influencing factors of youth tobacco use & re-evaluation of tobacco control policies in respective countries.
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