Community empowerment to stop smoking at selected villages in Hambantota, Sri Lanka
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Alcohol & Drug Information Centre, Social Mobilization, Sri Lanka
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A931
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Background and challenges to implementation:
Tobacco smoking is the cause of many preventable diseases in the world. According to the WHO tobacco kills up to half of its users. Sri Lanka as a middle income country, tobacco smoking is one of the biggest economic threats especially in rural settings. The intervention was carried out with the intention to reduced smoking among villages. ADIC implemented the intervention in collaboration with Women Development Federation, Hambantota (WDF) which is the largest women organization in Sri Lanka by mobilizing women voice against violence related drugs and women rights.

Intervention or response:
ADIC believe women can play major role in the field of drug prevention. ADIC trained 50 women trainees as community mobilizes to implement activities in village level. Initially target villages were 50. Community mobilizes were selected from respective villages and trained them as trainers.
Mobilizes capacity was developed to conduct small group discussion with smokers, calculating tobacco usage and real harm. Further we implemented door to door visits, informal discussions with vendors. Progresses meeting at village level were carried out by mobilizes. During the project period poster, leaflet and stickers were used to create environment where villagers to stop smoking.
Progress discussion and necessary technical input was giving time to time. Building up a network with government and community organization has taken to continue the process.

Results and lessons learnt:
There were 52 users have stopped their smoking and 102 smokers reduce their smoking during year 2016. 52 ex-daily users could able to save LKR 2,340,000 money within 6 months period. As the impact of this intervention, increased families happiness, build their houses, start new business, brought vehicles and home applications. Education of children of was increased.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
Community and households have stopped their smoking or they have reduced their smoking ability. As a result of that they have increased their happiness and their economy enhance.
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