Building a model of tobacco control advocacy in the e-learning program: Thailand experience
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Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Thailand Health Promotion Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand
Bureau of Non-Communicable Diseases, Ministry of Public Health, Bangkok, Thailand
Tobacco Control Research and Knowledge Management Center, Bangkok, Thailand
Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Publication date: 2021-09-02
Corresponding author
Sunida Preechawong   

Chulalongkorn University, 254 Phayathai Rd, Wang Mai, Pathum Wan District, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19(Suppl 1):A1
Thailand has implemented a number of strong policy measures to curb the tobacco epidemic. However, the limitation of human resources for tobacco control is still challenging. In 2011, Tobacco Control Research and Knowledge Management Center (TRC), with support from ThaiHealth, initiated the Smoke-free Provinces project in order to strengthen the capacity of tobacco control human resources.

To provide an example of capacity building development for tobacco control through TRC E-learning Curriculum.

A trimester E-learning Curriculum on tobacco control was developed in 2012 and has been implemented since 2014. The curriculum has been divided into four parts: Principal and implantation of tobacco control policies; regulations and measures; properties of tobacco control products; and Achievements of tobacco control in Thailand. Teaching methods included 36 e-learning modules, Facebook/email discussion, & 2.5 days of intensive lecture on selected topics. In the beginning, the e-learning modules were run using Thailand Cyber University’s learning management system (LMS). Later, the myCourseVille LMS has been employed.

During the first four years, a total of 127 participants completed the TRC E-learning courses. About seventy percent were females. The participants included public health officers, college/university lecturers, nurses, school nurses, legal officers, etc. Since course completion, they have actively engaged in tobacco control-related activities- e.g. being a Technical Advisor for Provincial Committee on Tobacco Control.

Offering E-learning is essential for having knowledgeable personnel in tobacco control. The TRC E-learning course is an educational resource that fosters the application of the Guidelines for implementation of the WHO FCTC Article 12.
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