Brazilian observatory to monitor the strategies of the tobacco industry: first year of results
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Brazilian Ministry of Health - Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Center of Studies on Tobacco or Health, Brazil
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A85
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Background and challenges to implementation:
It is well known that tobacco industry is as a vector in tobacco-related diseases epidemic. The Article 5.3 of the WHO-FCTC, recommend the Parties shall act to protect these policies "from commercial interests, considering that the tobacco industry has adopted strategies to commit any action for the development of policies that result in effective tobacco control". By ratifying the treated in 2005, Brazilian government has committed to monitor tobacco industry activities.

Intervention or response:
The Center of Studies on Tobacco or Health is building an academic resource: "The Observatory to monitor the strategies of the tobacco industry", that explores how the tobacco industry influences policy and public health in Brazil and have as an objective the tobacco industry monitoring. Available in:ágina_principal

Results and lessons learnt:
Since March, 2016, when it was launched, we reunited around 700 documents, divided in 6 strategies, such as: to maneuvered the politicians to hijack the political and legislative process; to exaggerate they economic importance; to manipulated public opinion to gain respectability; to fabricated support through front groups, to discredit with proven science to create doubt about the evidences, to intimidated governments with litigation or the threats of litigation and people linked with tobacco industries.

Conclusions and key recommendations:
Is important and necessary all countries to establish a tobacco industry monitoring system, disseminated these information and promote academic studies/fact sheets/Bulletins about tobacco industries strategies.
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