Are poor women in the reproductive age group more prone to consume tobacco: a study of the factors that lead to tobacco consumption in India
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Institute of Health Management Research University, Public Health Management, India
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A894
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Female smokers tend to have higher rates of pregnancy problems and reach menopause about two years earlier than non-smokers. Heavy smokers using the contraceptive pill have much higher heart disease rates than non-smokers on the pill. Smokers have higher cervical cancer rates and low bone density and fractures among postmenopausal women have been linked with smoking. The WHO FCTC treaty stresses to reduce the supply and demand of tobacco and support women's right to health as a human right. The purpose of the study is to identify tobacco consumption among women in the reproductive age group and the influencers of uptake of tobacco.

The study undertakes the data from The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), India, 2009-2010. GATS India was a nationally representative household survey (n=79,690) on tobacco use and other tobacco control indicators using a standardized questionnaire. Data was adjusted for non-response and weighted to produce nationally representative estimates.

The results from the analysis depicts that women who ever consumed tobacco were 17 times more likely (95% confidence interval [CI]: 15.7-18.8) to consume tobacco than their counterparts. Women who were emotionally or lonely were 44.5 times more likely (95% CI: 43.5-46.5) to consume tobacco than women who were emotionally stable. Furthermore, women who had other women who consumed tobacco in their social circle were 7.8 times more likely (95% CI: 5.4-9.2) t consume tobacco then their other counterparts. Women who were more exposed advertising and media were more likely 21.3% (95% CI: 17.9-24.5) to consume tobacco then other women who were not exposed to media and advertising.

Consumption of tobacco varies from personal factors, psychological factors, psychosocial factors, socio-cultural factors and environmental factors. Increasing tobacco control mechanisms and identifying the factors that lead to encouraging women to consume tobacco behavioral studies needs to be undertaken.
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