An exploratory analysis of the impact of a university campus smoking ban on staff and student smoking habits in Japan
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Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Health and Welfare Science, Nayoro City University, Nayoro, Japan
Department of Liberal Arts Education, Faculty of Health and Welfare Science, Nayoro City University, Nayoro, Japan
School of Nursing Science, Asahikawa Medical University, Midorigaoka, Japan
Submission date: 2012-07-23
Acceptance date: 2013-09-12
Publication date: 2013-09-15
Corresponding author
Hiroki Ohmi   

Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Health and Welfare Science, Nayoro City University, W4-N8, Nayoro 096-8641, Hokkaido, Japan
Tobacco Induced Diseases 2013;11(September):19
Smoking bans in public places have been shown to have an impact on smoking habits, however the potential influence of a university smoking ban on faculty and staff smoking habits remains elusive.

This cross sectional study was implemented in Nayoro City, Japan in 2011, among the faculty and students of the Nayoro City University. Five years after the declaration of a total ban on smoking on a university campus, the smoking characteristics of all students, teachers and office workers, and the policy’s impact on smokers were investigated. The survey was conducted through an anonymous, self-administered, multiple-choice questionnaire. Information was gathered on the characteristics and smoking characteristics of respondents, and the smokers attitudes toward smoking.

The recovery rate was 62.1%. Among respondents, smoking prevalence was 17.9% in teachers and office workers, and 4.0% in students. Among all smokers, 46.4% did not abstain from smoking while at the university and they indicated their smoking areas were “on the streets next to the campus”: 16 and “outdoors on campus”: 3, respectively. As for smokers, 29.6% of them reduced the number of cigarettes smoked per day as a result of the smoking ban. None of the ex-smokers replied that their principal motivation for quitting smoking was the smoking ban.

The ban on smoking served a motivator for smokers to reduce in smoking, but not serve as an effective motivator to quit smoking.
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