Age of initiation of cigarette smoking and quit attempts among young women in India - evidence from Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2009 and 2017
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International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, India
Independent Consultant, India
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A366
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Background and challenges to implementation:
We estimate the age at initiation of occasional and regular cigarette smoking among young women (15-24) and estimate the likelihood of quitting smoking through age 35 years.

Intervention or response:
We use disaggregated data from Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2009 and 2017 and use socioeconomic variables (age, place of residence, educational attainment and income) to compare trends between this period.

Results and lessons learnt:
Women younger than 30 years were more likely to be past or current smokers, began smoking earlier (median age < 20 years), and smoked more cigarettes per day than older women, yet attempted to quit smoking more often before age 35 (log-rank P < .001).

Conclusions and key recommendations:
Young female smokers have a higher propensity to initiate and quit smoking compared with older women. Supporting young women smokers to quit and averting initiations may be an important strategy to reduce smoking prevalence in the future among women.
Trends in age of tobacco use initiation over time in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan: analysis of cross-sectional nationally representative surveys
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