Corrigendum on:

How does reimbursement status affect smoking cessation interventions? A real-life experience from the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey By Dilek Karadoğan, Özgür Önal, Yalçın Kanbay Tobacco Induced Diseases, Volume 17, Issue January, Pages 1-9, Publish date: 22 January 2019, DOI: [Related article:]

There was an omission of the first paragraph in the Methods section that was supported by one extra reference, hence the numbers in the reference list and the superscripted numbers, n, in the text, following reference 14, should now read n+1.

The paragraph is the following:

Design of the study

This study was planned to evaluate the effect of reimbursement status on smoking cessation interventions, retrospectively, by using a study population, that applied at the free smoking-cessation medication distribution period, comprising groups that obtained the smoking cessation medications out of their own pocket. The free smoking-cessation medications distributed group’s treatment adherence and quit success status were previously studied and published14. For this current study that group was used as a control group for evaluating a new research question. Ethical approval was obtained from the local ethics committee (number:78646441-050.01.04-date:19.04.2018), and permission for the study was also obtained from the General Secretary of the hospital.

The additional reference is:

14. Karadoğan D, Önal O, Say Şahin D, Kanbay Y, Alp S, Şahin U. Treatment adherence and short-term outcomes of smoking cessation outpatient clinic patients. Tob Induc Dis. 2018;16(August). doi:10.18332/tid/94212